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发布日期?020-05-06 浏览次数9span id='hits'>字号:〕a href="javascript:czfxfontzoom(16)">?/a>?/a>導/a>〖/td>

4?9日,海合会国际贸易反损害行为技术秘书局发布公告,对自中国进口的铝合金产品(Plates, Sheets, and Strip, of aluminium alloys, of a thickness notexceeding 8 mm but greater than 0.2mm, except those polished, coated, heattreatable, and aluminium can stock used for beverage cans and its lids. 海关税号?6061200, 76069200)发起反倾销调查。详情请联系中国有色金属工业协会,电?10-63971860。海合会调查机关联系方式如下

Rihan Mubarak Fayez

General Director Of GCC- TSAIP

Secretariat General- Gulf CooperationCouncil

Bureau of Technical Secretariat of AntiInjurious Practices in the International Trade

Email : tsad@gccsg.org

Phone : +966112551388,+966112551399, Fax : +966 112810093


权: 常州市商务局 备案号: 苏ICP?5003616叶br/> 建议使用IE6.0以上浏览 1024*768 分辨 技术支持:常州风讯网络科技有限公司
地址:中国常州市关河西路180号恒远大? 电话:(+86?19-86183661 传真:(+86?19-88117555 编:213022