1.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (2016) Plot Summary The turtles face a new challenge when Shredder escapes from custody and joins forces with Baxter Stockman, a mad scientist who plans to use a serum to take over the world. Along for the ride are Bebop and Rocksteady, two dimwitted henchmen who provide plenty of muscle. Luckily, the turtles have their own allies in April O'Neil, Vernon Fenwick and Casey Jones, a hockey-masked vigilante. As the pizza-loving heroes prepare for battle, the notorious Krang also emerges to pose an even greater threat. Cast: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Laura Linney, Stephen Amell, Noel Fisher, Jeremy Howard, Pete Ploszek, Alan Ritchson Director: Dave Green Genres: Action, Comedy, Adventure Distributor: Paramount Pictures Release Date: July 4 Venue: Wanda Cinema, Omnijol Cinema, Changzhou Grand Theatre Poly Studio, Phoenix Valley Film Art Palace Cinema, China Film Cinema, Changzhou 2.Cold War 2 (2016) Plot Summary Rival police chiefs clash in the streets and station after a killer makes a desperate escape. Cast: Aaron Kwok, Tony Ka Fai Leung, Yun-Fat Chow,Charlie Yeung, Eddie Peng, Aarif Rahman, Yili Ma, Matt Totty Directors: Lok Man Leung?, Kim-ching Luk Genres: Action, Crime drama Distributor: Well Go USA Release Date: July 8 Venue: Wanda Cinema, Omnijol Cinema, Changzhou Grand Theatre Poly Studio, Phoenix Valley Film Art Palace Cinema, China Film Cinema, Changzhou 3. Big Fish & Begonia (2016) It is a world within our world, yet unseen by any human, and the beings here control time and tide and the changing of the seasons. On the day Chun turns sixteen, she is transformed into a dolphin to explore the human world. She is rescued from a vortex by a human boy at the cost of his own life. Chun is so moved by the boy's kindness and courage that she decides to give him life again. But to do this, she must protect the boy's soul, a tiny fish, and nurture it to grow. Through adventure and sacrifice, love grows, yet now she must release him back to the sea, back to life in the human world. Directors: Xuan Liang (as Liang Xuan), Chun Zhang (as Zhang Chun) Writer: Xuan Liang (as Liang Xuan) Release Date: July 8 Venue: Wanda Cinema, Omnijol Cinema, Changzhou Grand Theatre Poly Studio, Phoenix Valley Film Art Palace Cinema, China Film Cinema, Changzhou 4. Quackerz (2016) Plot Summary The battle between ducks and humans for the place under the sun. Director: Viktor Lakisov Writers: Viktor Lakisov (screenplay), Viktor Lakisov Stars: Michael Gross, Jesse Corti, Mark DeCarlo Release Date: July 15 Venue: Wanda Cinema, Omnijol Cinema, Changzhou Grand Theatre Poly Studio, Phoenix Valley Film Art Palace Cinema, China Film Cinema, Changzhou